Profile: Dante

Mould: Angelheim Junior Heim Luka 'the Pan'
Skin Type: Normal Skin
Faceup: Angelheim Luka the Pan
Hair: Purple-black Furr (Fullset default)
Eyes: atm, purple
Sex: Male
Race: Dragon (Fire dragon)
Age: Young.
Arrival: 22 February 2010, Ordered 23 December 2009 Likes: Water, Caves, Music, Books, Sleeping late, Causing trouble, Fireworks, Fighting, Helping People Dislikes: Being disrespected, Being patient, Waiting, Having nothing to do
Family: His Mother (Phaedra or Mircea) is the Dragon Ambassador to the Wood Elf Kingdom.

Dante is the young son of Phaedra, the Dragon's Ambassador to the Elvin Kingdom. She and Dante live on a mountain peak overlooking the Wood Elf City. Dante is currently her only child, though he has older siblings from previous clutches. Because of her job, Dante has been raised with a lot of exposure to other cultures and races. Sometimes this is educational, sometimes difficult, as he has on occasion been the target of teasing. His temper doesn't help, as he easily takes offense if he thinks someone is being rude to him. Dante is quick to stand up for himself, and has gotten in numerous fights, even when it is his own tendency to be rude and inconsiderate that got him into trouble in the first place.

He has usually learned to hold his tongue at least around his Mother, but he hasn't learned any diplomacy skills (at least not yet). His expression often makes clear how he feels. However, though he will often grumble or sulk, he does have an ingrained sense of duty to others. His mother has learned to use this and deliberately brings her with him with her on less sensitive diplomatic missions. As such, Dante has spent years in the company of the Wood Elves.

Dragon Mythology:
There are many different kinds of dragons, though all share fundamental features. Magical and mythical beings, dragons are winged, reptilian creatures, though they can take humanoid forms. Like other reptiles, dragons lay eggs which incubate for a year before they hatch. Their primary senses are particularly strong. They are able to see easily in light and near darkness, can smell the subtlest changes in the air and hear the stirring of unmoving rocks. This gives them the impression of being always on alert. In addition to breathing fire, the dragon's call can carry for miles.

Dragons are known for their wisdom - at least when they are older - and for being powerful magical creatures. Their magic and power give them a magnetic quality, although they also tend to be rather inscrutable and can be elusive. Dragons are highly intelligent, with a great fondness of literature and music. However, they are rather fond of arguments and sometimes intentionally start disagreements merely for the sake of entertainment. Older dragons have the ability to control weather - particularly rain, wind and floods, and some may have some volcanic control. Dragons have remarkable healing abilities - including the ability to regrow lost limbs. To quote Kazul, if something doesn't kill a dragon outright in the first five minutes, recovery is only a matter of time.

As creatures that are so long-lived as to be essentially immortal, dragons amass great quantities of possessions - treasure - over their many lifetimes. Dragons are hoarders and protect their possessions, even if they do nothing more than collect them in nearly inaccessible vaults. Although some dragons have reputations as guardians of particular cities, in general they prefer remote regions with an abundance of nature. Dragons are fiercely independent creatures, and aren't generally fond of rules and others telling them what do to after all. They frequently live in caves near water sources.

Like all dragons, Dante is somewhat vain and quite proud. He likes to be the center of attention and gets insulted if he doesn't feel like he is being appropriately honored. He expects adoration and takes it for granted that he deserves it. Like Fang, Dante thinks he is more terrifying than he actually is since Dante is still a juvenile. He is only a little bigger than a horse in dragon form and appears like a scrawny teenage boy in human form. However unlike Fang, someday Dante really will become large and impressive.

Though intelligent, Dante however doesn't have the wisdom of an older dragon yet. Despite this, he thinks he knows it all and will never ask for help. Self-assured is the polite way to describe him, but he frequently crosses the line to just plain arrogant. He is so confident in himself it never occurs to him he might be anything other than successful at anything he attempts. Even when he gets himself in over his head, he will not back down, stubbornly continuing until he can't any more. The determination and persistence serve him well most of the time, but the stubbornness can also get in his way and prevent him from seeing alternatives or accepting help. And fortunately he is incredibly resilient and tough.

He burns with energy and excitement. He is impatient and can be quick tempered (can we say 'fiery') and tactless (although how much of that is because he is a dragon and how much because he is a teenage boy is hard to tell). This isn't to say he is disrespectful to his elders - he is very respectful, but Dante is still quite impulsive - acting without considering the consequences. He often has to apologize for himself after his temper cools. Although generally obedient, he also has a casual attitude about rules. Rules are for non-dragons.

Dante reads like an open book and can be honest to a fault. He is sincere and is intensely loyal to those who have earned his admiration. It is this that helps give the sense of nobility to dragons. He may not always be the best friend, as he is so independent and can be incredibly thoughtless and insensitive, but one never need doubt his loyalty. He is very generous with them and is quick to forgive - assuming of course that his friends forgive him. He will be a friend for life and will not let them down (consciously at least), and will do anything for his friends. Charismatic, he is inherently friendly and optimistic and a natural leader. He is the one charging into mischief and leading his friends along with him.

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